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Friday, 30 September 2011

Lilly Allen 'Smile' Video Analysis

In this video the performer is sometimes talking to the camera. This is called direct mode of address, as the audience feels like the artist is closer, creating a feeling that she is talking directly to them. This shortens the distance between the audience and the artist, which is a common thing performers do.

The rest of the video is narrative based, which is indirect to the audience as the audience can only watch but there is no sense of involvement in it. 


Lily Allen's appearance in the video reflects her personality. It creates an image of a normal girl, that wears simple, yet fashionable clothes, and wears make up. She doesn't look like she is wearing too much make up which shows that she is trying to show off her personality as a normal girl,  rather than relying on too much make up like a pop star normally would.

Similar to this, Kate Nash likes to wear just enough make up to make her look fresher and highlight the best parts about her face, instead of wearing too much for a dramatic effect. When making our music video we will consider this detail and get our artist to wear as little make up as possible. This way she will fit into the music genre conventions.


The video has a clear beginning story and end, which makes it easy to understand. It shows different emotions and stages that the main character is going through. In the beginning she is very upset as her boyfriend has left her for another girl. This could relate to a female teenage audience because there are many girls out there that are in this situation. This also tells us that the audience for her music is teenage girls.

Another stage that she goes through is when she starts wanting to get revenge on her ex boyfriend for leaving her and getting somebody to trash his room. This shows us another side of her personality, as she doesn't look quite so innocent now as she did in the beginning. This makes the audience feel more sympathetic towards the guy, and perhaps think that there was a good reason for him to end the relationship.

At the end of the video she is happy with herself because she has got him back for cheating on her. She thinks that becuase she has gotten her revenge she can move on with her life and never look back. The video shows that by using a track shot which shows us walking down the street, smiling and looking around, flirting with her eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Same comments as the last post. Use screen shots and get much more detail into this. Think about why it is the way it is.
