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Friday, 14 October 2011

Audience Research

This is the questionnaire we created in order to get responses from people and find out what Kate Nash fans are like and what they like about her. It is a piece of primary research, because we wanted the answers to be relevant to what we are doing and suit our needs. This was better than carrying out a secondary research, because the results that we would have got then may have been out of date and unrelated to our research.

By the questions we have asked you can see that we have tried to get to know people's personalities and the things they like. We were hoping to get a pattern in results, which would lead to us knowing more things about Kate's audience and therefore make a better video suited for them. A pattern will also show us that what we've been doing was right and that we have asked the right people, the right questions. On the other hand, if we get responses that are all over the place and a bit hard to comprehend this would be a sign that we haven't done a good job with the questions. We spent quite a bit of time doing this survey, so we are all thinking that the responses we get will be structured and well-presented.

Most of the questions in the survey (1-7,10) have multiple choice answers where you can only pick one answer. We thought that it would be easier for the people who are doing the survey to pick one answer, instead of having to tick more. This will also help us get more relevant results.

For question 8 - 'How would you describe your personality?' we also had multiple choice answers, however people could pick as many answers as they like. This was done because it is quite difficult to describe yourself in one word and also, we will get a better picture of the person's individuality this way.

Question 9 was an unusual one as the answer had to be written by the respondents themselves. This gives them freedom to put down and artist/bands they like, without them having any restrictions whatsoever. This is good because it makes the survey more personal, and gets the audience more involved with it.

We sent this survey out to Kate Nash forums, fan pages, people on youtube, and we posted it on videos on youtube (as a comment) in order to collect more responses from targetted Kate fans.

These are some of the places we sent this survey link to:

Kate Nash's YouTube channel

A forum about Kate's music

1 comment:

  1. This is good. Giving a bit of background to your audience research. I think your audience research should come before your storyboards and planning and so on.
