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Thursday, 10 November 2011

Plan for magazine advert

Plan For Magazine Advert

Plans for Digipak

Plans For Digipak

Digipak Front Cover:
This was our initial idea for the front cover of the digipak. We thought it would be a nice idea to make a collage of Kate Nash in the centre and to put different objects around her as it represents her free spirit and the things she likes. We wanted to keep the background plain and simple as it makes the artist stand out more.

Digipak Back:
This is our plan for the back of our digipak. It is fairly simple, just like the front of the digipak and it involves a list of the songs in the album as well as decorations from the front of the digipak.

Digipak Centre:
We decided to carry on with the idea of simplicity for the centre of the digipak and what we did was use the front cover collage picture of Kate Nash that we did earlier on and adapt it to the actual CD. I think this is a good idea because it keeps the whole thing looking effortless and it links to the other two sides of the digipak.

A different version of our digipak cover:
Another version that we came up with for the digipak cover is using a brick backgroumd. We thought the idea was good because it links to our song title and also looks more bold and daring. The colours of the brick wall are similar to some of the objects in the picture, such as the phone, and if we decide to go with this digipak design, we can edit the colours so they dont't cancel each other out.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Digipak examples and ideas

This is a short post which is about a digipak that I have found and enjoyed very much. This digipak can help us gather ideas for our final digipak, even though our song has a different mood. What I liked about this digipak was that it shows emotions such as love and passion as well as strong female presense. This digipak heavily relies on a colour palette that primarily involves colours like orange and black. Another aspects of it include pictures that show the female artist as a strong individual, which is underlined by some of the flames we can see in the background of the sides of the digipak.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Song Permission

In order to be able to use Kate Nash's song 'Merry Happy' we sent an e-mail to Paul Epworth from 'Empire Management' hoping to let us use this song for non-profitable purposes.
Here is a screen shot of the e-mail that we sent:

Initial Plans for Album Digipak

Front cover and back covers for our album digipak:

Front cover

Back cover

These are the flat plans that we have done to give us a brief idea of what our final digipak will look like. These will help us work towards making a good digipak as they outline the key charateristics of a digipak front and back cover and also they show the layout towards which we are aiming.

Other things that we are planning to include in our final digipak, but could not include in the flat plans are features such as a variety of colours (which will be linked to the mood of the album and the artists' personality) as well as fonts and special effects (editing) which will contribute to the digipak looking proficient.

15/11/11 Filming Day 2

This was the last day that we were allowed to film so we had to make sure that everything goes to plan and we had our shots sorted. We met in college at 10:00 am to pick up our equipment as our location was unavailable until 11:00 am. When we arrived there we went to the vintage shop which we expected to be open today and found that it was. The man who owned the shop allowed us to take pictures inside and offered us some advice on what kind of things we could photograph for our vintage music video.

After we did this we finished all of the final shots that needed to be done, uploaded them on a laptop and watched them in order to make sure we had everything we needed and there weren't any errors. We also saved them on a memory stick to prevent the chance of losing them.

When all of this was done we re-filmed the shots of the stop motion that we had done the day before as we thought it didn't look as good as it could be and it ended up looking a lot more professional. When we got everything done we decided that we could finish the day early and went back to college to drop off equipment at 3:00 pm.

14/11/11 Filming Day 1

A few days before the start of filming we found out that our main character for the video had other responsibilities and couldn't be in our video. We lost our original location too, as we were planning to film the video in her house and in a park in her area. This was slightly stressful as we hadn't predicted it would happen but fortunately we had two back-ups who were prepared to be in our video and they did extremely well. They are both performing arts students who have a lot of experience in acting and singing which was tremendously helpful. The female performer is called Aimee Sullivan and the male performer is Reuben Jones.

The problem for our location was solved by one of the members of my group who suggested that we use her auntie's house which was very suitable for the video we wanted to make. As Aimee and Reuben didn't finish college until 12:00 o'clock that day we had to wait for them to arrive after we picked up the equipment we needed from college and arrived on set. Meanwhile we went to a charity shop nearby and had a look around to see if there was anything else we could use in our video. Luckily, we found a pearl necklace which was very useful and was featured in our video. The next thing we did was going to a vintage shop where we intended to take pictures of objects that we could use for our digipak and advert. Unfortunately the shop wasn't open and we found that we couldn't photograph from outside as the light was reflecting in the window and the pictures wouldn't have been of great quality.

When Aimee and Reuben arrived we picked up our equipment and filmed all of the park scenes which only left us  the house scenes to do. The beginning stages of filming went smoothly although we did have some technical issues with the tripod, which we easily resolved. When we went back to the house we filmed all of the shots from the storyboard and also we decided to film Aimee singing the song from different places in the house which was a back up in case we didn't like any of the scenes we had filmed. This was really useful as while editing we found that we used them a lot and they made the whole video look better.

All of the shots with Reuben had to be filmed on the first day because he was unable to take time of college the next day, so we made sure that we had filmed the scenes involving him first. We tried to stick to the storyboard but we also had a lot of good ideas that came from the cast and ourselves that we decided we should include in our video. I think this was a good thing because it made it more varied and the cast felt like their opinion was taken into account too.

The day finished at 4:00 pm as we had to make sure we brought back the equipment that we had borrowed back to college. Most of the scenes were filmed and we had a clear plan outlined for the next one which made everything less worrying.